You have the power to energize the Asian Christian Fellowship today!
We seek to carry out the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ by proclaiming the Gospel, providing fellowship for edification, nurturing Christian in spiritual growth and building up Christian leaders. Within the fellowship, we operate primarily through designated small group time, large group time, occasional special events, Sunday Church and a winter retreat. All efforts are made to build friendships, but most importantly build and encourage each other through spiritual bonds as brothers and sisters in Christ that will last a lifetime. These events involve Bible studies, having meals together, doing fun activities together, going to church together and caring for one another. For this reason, this fundraiser project would be to support the students who wish to continue to fellowship and serve others with the proper resources. Resources would first be directed towards Large Group dinners, as it is a main source of fellowship that we used to enjoy but can no longer maintain because of costs. Some other things that would be funded include bus rides to church on Sundays, winter retreat room and food costs, inter-class bonding and cell group activities!
Giving CMU Day is your chance to illuminate the next bright idea in the Asian Christian Fellowship! 💡
Congratulations to Megan Y. who just won an additional $400 for the Asian Christian Fellowship!
We will be drawing more winners throughout the day so make sure to make a gift of $10 or more to be eligible.
48 days ago by Daniella Staudacher