You have the power to energize the Bhangra in the Burgh today!
Bhangra in the Burgh is Pittsburgh's premier Bhangra competition and the largest student-run event here in Pittsburgh. We have 8 competing teams that fly in from around the continent to perform on our stage and over the last 16 years, we have become one of the most prestigious competitions in the world. Not only are we renowned in the Bhangra circuit, we are also a charity competition that donates to different Pittsburgh charities. Over the last 16 years, we have donated to various charitable causes. We are run entirely by CMU and Pitt students so we have reach on both campuses bringing together the Indian community in Pittsburgh and across the world. As an Executive Board, we work together to get teams registered, buy merchandise and organize food/stay for teams, advertise on our social media and on campus, host a mixer and afterparty, run the show and provide a great experience for visiting teams. That requires significant funding, which we get from JFC and our own sales (registration fees and show tickets), which are very helpful, but don't arrive until much closer to the show. Any donations would be greatly appreciated!
Giving CMU Day is your chance to illuminate the next bright idea in the Bhangra in the Burgh! 💡