You have the power to energize CMU Star Wars today!
General Kenobi,
Semesters ago, five young Jedi Masters emerged from hiding and established the CMU Jedi Order. Today, over 200 Padawans across the CMU galaxy have joined our mission in bringing balance to the Force. These highly Force-sensitive beings report feeling restored and having deeper connections with their peers at CMU. As they train body and mind in the arts of lightsaber combat and BB8 droid building, their midichlorian counts soar.
Now, as we strive to achieve our quest for an impactful legacy, we humbly ask you to help us in our mission to find balance on campus. I regret that I am unable to present our request to you in person, but I assure you that you can still play a vital role in the continued prosperity of the CMU Jedi Order. You can do so by depositing your Republic credits into this online vault. Even the smallest contribution will bring us a step closer to realizing a fully functional life-sized BB8 unit.
This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
Giving CMU Day is your chance to illuminate the next bright idea in CMU Star Wars! 💡