You have the power to energize Tepper School of Business today!
Your gift to the Tepper School enables us to provide our students and faculty with the resources needed to stay at the forefront of business innovation. Thank you for supporting our vibrant community on Giving CMU Day!
Giving CMU Day is your chance to illuminate the next bright idea at Tepper! ๐ก
Donation Challenge
Tepper 75th Anniversary Challenge
Challenge Complete!
For Tepper School of Business (Giving CMU Day)
Offered by Leslie Bergman (MSIA 1968), Bill (MSIA 1990) & Sandy Lambert, and the Nicely Ridge Foundation
Donation Challenge
Tepper PhD Fellowship Challenge
Challenge Complete!
For Tepper School Ph.D. Fellowship Fund
Offered by John Watts (MSIA 1985, Ph.D. 1988)
Donation Match
Tepper Community and Inclusion Fund
Match Complete!
For Tepper Community & Inclusion Fund
Offered by Russ Ewing (MSIA 1996) and Andrew Jones, Jr. (MBA 2003)
Donation Match
Tepper BELL Veterans Fellowship Match
Match Complete!
For Tepper BELL Veterans Fellowship
Offered by Ted Decker
Donation Match
Tepper School J.S. Engagement Fund
Match Complete!
For Sengenberger Endowed Alumni Engagement Fund
Offered by Kalpesh Kapadia (MSIA 1999)
Donation Match
Undergraduate Business Career Enhancement Fund
Match Complete!
For Undergrad Business Career Enhancement Fund
Offered by Jennifer Milacci & Marc Scher
Donation Challenge
25th Reunion Challenge
Challenge Complete!
For Class of 2000
Offered by Yasu Oba (CIT 2000) and Steph Oba (TPR 2000)
Donation Challenge
Senior Challenge
Challenge Complete!
For Students (2025)
Offered by Leejay Wu (CS 1998 2005)
Donation Challenge
$500 if $1,000 is donated in the next 3 hours
Challenge Complete!
Offered by Anonymous
Donation Challenge
$100 if $50 is donated in the next 3 hours
Challenge Complete!
Offered by Anonymous
Donation Match
$10 per donor up to $500
Match Complete!
Offered by Mary Kosinski
Donation Match
$10 per $1 donated up to $10
Match Complete!
Offered by Jing Liu & Zhongshan Wang
Donation Challenge
$10 if 3 donors give in the next 3 hours
Challenge Complete!
Offered by Maria B. Sara
Donation Challenge
$10 if $10 is donated in the next 3 hours
Challenge Complete!
Offered by Gavin w sun
Donation Challenge
$10 if $10 is donated in the next 3 hours
Challenge Complete!
Offered by Bernie Ambrosio
Donation Match
$2 per $1 donated up to $250
Match Complete!
Offered by Paul, Pangaro
Donation Match
Board of Trustees Alumni Match
Match Complete!
For Alumni
Offered by Board of Trustees
Donation Match
Office of the President Student Match
Match Complete!
For Students
Offered by Office of the President
Donation Match
Parents Match
Match Complete!
For Parents
Offered by Ganjoo Family & Motoyama & Chow Family
Donation Match
$1 per $1 donated up to $1,000
Match Complete!
Offered by Jocelin Olivier
Donation Match
$1 per donor up to $200
Match Complete!
Offered by Anonymous