You have the power to energize the CMU Theme Park Engineering Group (TPEG) today!
CMU TPEG is Carnegie Mellon’s premier themed entertainment and amusement park student organization. From building award-winning attractions to competing and attending industry design competitions and conferences, our organization supports the professional development of our members in the themed entertainment field. Donations to this fund will be used for club projects such as our Spring Carnival Booth and supporting member travel to competitions and conferences.
Giving CMU Day is your chance to illuminate the next bright idea in CMU TPEG!💡
Congrats to Kavya R. for finding a Scotty in CFA! They have earned $250 additional dollars for the Theme Park Engineering Group.
71 days ago by Julie KnightCongratulations to Samuel C. who just won an additional $400 for the Theme Park Engineering Group!
We will be drawing more winners throughout the day so make sure to make a gift of $10 or more to be eligible.
71 days ago by Daniella StaudacherDonors
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