Giving CMU Day 2024

This campaign ended on December 04, 2024, but you can still make a gift to Carnegie Mellon University by clicking here!

Thank you for charging Giving CMU Day to maximum power! ⚡

These 24 Tartan-powered hours reflected the generosity and energy of the amazing Carnegie Mellon community, reaching 7,000 donors and raising more than $2.3 million in support.

If you missed Giving CMU Day this year, you can still power up your favorite programs and projects at Carnegie Mellon with a gift!


Can energy travel at 100 DPH (that’s “donors per hour”)? It can during Giving CMU Day’s Power Hour Pop-Up Challenge! An anonymous supporter has issued a challenge to energize Giving CMU Day. Through 8 p.m., if 100 donors (per hour) make a gift of $10 or more to any CMU fund, a $5,000 gift will be unlocked to the Student Experience Fund.

65 days ago by Daniella Staudacher
Breaking News for CMU Students!

An additional $10,000 has been released from the President's Office to match student gifts up to $250.

65 days ago by Julie Knight
Bonus Challenge Update

The Bonus Challenge from the Office of the President is still available! 16 student donors who make a gift of any amount on Giving CMU Day will be selected for a $400 bonus contribution added to your gift. Part-time students qualify.

65 days ago by Julie Knight
Plaid Palooza Winners! ⚡

Congratulations to the Plaid Palooza Winners! 

Jess T. won an additional $500 for C#

Jasmine Z. won an additional $500 for Inter-Fellowship Association

Evan W. won an additional $500 for Carnegie Mellon Racing

Violet C. won an additional $500 for Women's Ultimate Frisbee Club

Amit T. won an additional $500 for C#

65 days ago by Sam Bassett
Scavenger Hunt Update

All of the Giving CMU Day Scottie dogs have been found! Thank you for participating in the Scavenger Hunt Challenge. 

65 days ago by Julie Knight
Giving CMU Day ChallengeThe unit with the highest number of donors who make a gift of $10 or more for Giving CMU Day will receive $5,000 additional funds to their unrestricted fund. Two units with at least 50 individual donors for Giving CMU Day, will be randomly selected to receive $1,000 to their gift fund. An anonymous CMU alumnus is sponsoring this challenge. All donors count!
UnitDonorsRaised ($)
Heinz College (Giving CMU Day)115$26,623
Athletics (Giving CMU Day)1505$700,493
Tepper School of Business (Giving CMU Day)783$931,163
College of Engineering (Giving CMU Day)644$225,553
Mellon College of Science (Giving CMU Day)183$49,338
Libraries (Giving CMU Day)124$91,891
Dietrich College (Giving CMU Day)255$69,953
College of Fine Arts (Giving CMU Day)214$75,295
School of Computer Science (Giving CMU Day)302$128,765
Student Organization ChallengeThe participating student organizations with the greatest number of individual donors who make a gift of $10 or more for Giving CMU Day will receive funds to their organization’s gift fund, thanks to Leejay Wu (CS 1998 2005). All donors count, but the gift must be made via the Giving CMU Day page. First place = $6,000 Second place= $4,000 Third place= $2,000 Four organizations, with at least 15 individual donors for Giving CMU Day, will be randomly selected to receive $500 to their gift fund.   Final results will be provided after Giving CMU Day
Student OrganizationDonorsRaised ($)
SPIRIT Buggy Racing Systems131$9,676
Phi Delta Theta25$2,415
CMU Club Squash9$625
Thai Students Association (SIAM)6$2,417
Women’s Self Defense Club12$655
Tanah Student Organization - CMU JIYA31$5,220
Young African Leaders Association (YALA)7$664
CMU Abhinaya17$900
CMU Running Club11$140
Lambda Phi Epsilon35$9,280
Tennis Club15$2,075
CMU Tricking Club17$2,320
Scotty Survivor21$1,230
Womens Soccer18$1,110
Fencing Club11$765
CMU Swim Club19$1,465
Chess Club10$1,345
Scotch 'n' Soda Theatre15$1,870
Catholic Newman Club22$2,023
Graduate Student Assembly Community Improvement Fund17$735
Kiltie Band28$2,459
Women's Water Polo Club15$710
Carnegie Mellon Solar Racing9$425
Global Medical Brigades47$6,615
CMU Science Olympiad9$325
Alpine Racing and Freestyle58$20,775
Asian Students Association50$5,498
Out in STEM10$867
CMU Singapore Students Association17$5,815
Bhangra in the Burgh17$5,065
CMU Counterpoint10$1,163
Sustainable Earth14$720
Spring Carnival Fund34$1,530
Joyful Noise19$2,818
CMU Washu12$915
Asian Christian Fellowship29$8,375
CMU Business Technology Group14$654
Engineers Without Borders CMU21$2,802
Men's Ultimate Frisbee Club50$4,737
Theme Park Engineering Group36$4,150
Alpha Chi Omega25$1,510
SPIRIT Fund14$1,865
Alpha Kappa Delta Phi17$4,515
CMU RAASTA27$11,700
Turkish Student Society22$2,345
Ballroom Dance Club12$710
CMU Om15$1,629
Filipino Student Association10$1,580
Spanish and Latin Student Association13$539
Inter-Fellowship Association83$13,655
Delta Delta Delta3$1,200
Alpha Epsilon Pi Gift Fund29$3,616
APEX - Student Organization40$5,010
CMU Pickleball13$730
Badminton Club20$3,040
K-Pop Dance Club9$1,910
Historical European Martial Arts18$4,065
Mortar Board9$420
Women's Volleyball Club23$1,845
University Rowing Club65$15,923
Helix Dance Crew10$1,375
Hong Kong Students Association16$2,226
CMU Star Wars8$450
The Flying Club6$282
CMU Saans23$2,220
NSBE National Society of Black Engineers26$4,822
CMU Figure Skating Club10$1,155
CMU ChemE Cube2$20
Recreational Volleyball Club7$820
Carnegie Mellon Racing302$21,719
Independent Musician Organization0$0
American Marketing Association7$1,410
Tartan Wind Ensemble4$60
Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers28$4,045
AB Tech Committee36$2,290
KGB Student Organization Gifts23$3,971
CMU Ice Hockey Club27$3,804
Black Latino Business Association2$100
CIA Carnegie Involvement Association201$9,874
CMU ChemE Car0$0
Women's Ultimate Frisbee Club204$13,241
CMU Filmmakers2$200
Camp Kesem (Student Organization)218$18,813
Donor Affiliations
Gradhat icon30%Alumni
Book icon19%Students
Parent icon16%Parents
Suitcase icon8%Faculty/Staff
Friends icon20%Friends
Most Recent Donors
Eleanor Clarkson photo
Eleanor Clarkson
Jamie Wong photo
Jamie Wong
Sylvia Bank photo
Sylvia Bank
An Anonymous Donor
timothy SEIDEL photo
timothy SEIDEL
Nicole Vera photo
Nicole Vera
Kyle Clark photo
Kyle Clark
Jon Maxwell photo
Jon Maxwell
Alisha Mehta photo
Alisha Mehta
nick blair photo
nick blair
View All Donors



Gave $150,000 during a Challenge!

Board of Trustees

Offered a $100,000 match

Office of the President

Offered a $75,000 match

Leslie Bergman (MSIA 1968), Bill (MSIA 1990) & Sandy Lambert, and the Nicely Ridge Foundation

Gave $75,000 during a Challenge!

Community Advocates

Generated 5325 clicks and 842 gifts, totaling $71,767


Gave $65,000 during a Challenge!


Gave $50,000 during a Challenge!


Gave $50,000 during a Challenge!


Gave $50,000 during a Challenge!


Gave $25,000 during a Challenge!
View All Advocates

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